Saturday, 27 June 2009

Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Silent Disco. No it's not about Michael Jackson-types prancing about in rubber soled brogues and toned down sequins, but it was invented for the sound conscious. Those who don't like to cause noise pollution at anti-logging protest parties in forests, as all the animals get stressed, or in this case, at the Southbank Centre during a week night because some pedantic party pooper might force them to turn down the music early. Which is unlikely as it's not particularly residential around there, but hey, we won't let that spoil the fun. So everyone gets to blast loud music into just their own eardrums thanks to massive yellow wireless headphones.

What's most interesting about the Silent Disco experience is the fact that there's very loud dancing. It's the opposite of a school disco where everyone spends most of the night huddled in their familiar groups, even going to the toilet glued together, only to break out in the last 5 minutes to do the 'side step to the left, side step back to the right and repeat with other foot' shuffle to Into the Groove. No at Silent Disco, when people's feet touch that dancefloor they immediately transform into the kids from Fame minus the annoying singing and cello, as a competition ensues to see who the flashiest dancer is.

It proves that everyone really does move to their own beat. Because it's almost impossible to work out who's dancing to which of the two choices of DJ, as there are so many different rhythms going on, it's like there are actually too many DJs. Ha. It is truly astonishing just how many ways you can groove to neo-electro (that's what they call it). But then one of the DJs drops a 'tuuuuunnneeee!' and everyone forgets themselves, going into automatic crowd-pleased mode by jumping up and down and punching the air above their heads with one hand.

Basically to enjoy Silent Disco you really have to love dancing. How else could you get through the night without really being able to talk to anyone, listening to the most eclectic DJ sets ever from Ghostbusters to techno and drum'n'bass via the Latvian national anthem, unless you were trying out that new moonwalk cum samba 'n' foxtrot move? Chamoin! (James Brown style). Apparently Disco Bloodbath is already the next big thing. Hmmm, think I'll stick with the kids from Fame.

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